In the shadow
Of a forgotten memory
Stands the reason
Of thoughts
That have become
What you believe.
Was it that 5th grade comment
On the shirt you wore,
Was it that stranger
On the platform
Who noticed your hair,
Was it that passing
Face in the mixed
Of melted multitudes
That glanced in your direction
All come together
In your self view
Of what you are and
What you can achieve
And what you believe
You are worth.
Shake free from
These forgotten moments
Look in the mirror
And see yourself,
See your self worth
Your self beauty
And embrace
You are not perfection
But that you strive
For perfection.
Allow your off moments
And cradle your weakness
And find strength
In that you are not
Everyone's cup of tea
But they too are not
Your cup of tea as well.
So you sing off key
Sing anyway if it brings you joy
So your hair is not kept
In the latest style
Let the locks flow
Or cut them off
To your desired effect
For truly as the clock
Winds to its eventual stop
What will really
Matter is the comfort
The joy
The happiness
Of this one
You have partaken.
So shine a light
On those shadows
Of your forgotten memory
And realize that
You are not perfect
But you only strive for perfection.
