Why insane thoughts from an insane world?

The first and most obvious question I would assume one will ask when they see the name of my site is, why insane thoughts and why an insane world? Simply put, I feel we are all insane, it is only the truly out of touch that proclaim they are not. We all have our quirks, our differences that make our way of thinking just a little off of what another human being would consider normal. So any thought I will share will be insane to some, perfectly clear to others and I expect nothing more from the world that too I see as insane and perfectly clear myself. So welcome to something many have felt is long in coming, my opening of my writing to the world in general. I am a poet, but that does not stop me from being an essayist, it is just my works tend to fall into poetics instead of prose. I do hope you enjoy my insane thoughts as much as I enjoy others insane thoughts and somewhere we will meet in a middle of shared belief that we understand one another. I do not write much about politics (though it happens) I write more about the human universal condition of our shared reality. I am not one to ever say what I believe is correct, for it is not, but it has helped me to live a pretty much happy existence in this world that keeps racing to its own beat. I do hope some can adapt my way of peaceful living into a way for themselves to have a more peaceful life and to be able to share their talents, their love and their own unique views on things. I love to encourage. I love to help others with their roadblocks they fear that they can no overcome. And mostly I like everyone to find an inner peace in their daily existence to help them achieve a better understand of them self and those they share the world.


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