Damn Knowing Things

the great killer
of self confidence.
as one brings to mind
a thought
they can see that
thought that always
exist in their ignorance
and being aware
that it could simply
be the mind playing
that trick upon
the thoughts
one can quickly
dismiss something
right before their
eyes as a connection
because they have set
themselves up to 
see a connection
that may have
nothing to do with them.
so the mere fact
that synchronicity exist
that ever connecting part
of life itself
when one is trying to establish
a connection with another
it can lead the mind
astray from the very connection
that is truly being made
and leave one in doubt that
the connection has
been established
and it is only the mind
now aware of the connection
being attempted
that is just reading
that the connection
is truly being established
and leave one to miss
opportunities that are
not beyond them
but they believe are beyond them.


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